One of my first clients asked me the question, "Why did you choose to name your business Young, Wild and Thrifty?" This is one occasion when I didn't have to make up some clever on-the-fly BS and I actually had a good answer. So now, lucky blog readers, you can hear about the time when a Target Lady tried to give me a heart attack, but FAILED. Limoncello out of lemons and stuff like that.
I was out to here *makes giant belly gesture* and wearing a tank top from college that said "YOUNG WILD FREE" in big white letters. Did I feel particularly young, wild, or free in that moment whilst my daughter simultaneously head butted my cervix and jabbed my ribs with her tiny, partially developed feet? Negative. I felt rather old, rather boring (because my average pregnancy bed time was 7pm) and rather tied down. Some Target Lady Shopper (she was actually a super nice lady, but for the dramatic purposes of this story, we hate her) goes, "Not for long, honey." I didn't get it at first, because at that point I was proud of myself for putting clothes on below the waist. I couldn't reach anything there so good for me for putting in the extra effort every day. She pointed to my shirt and then we got to chatting about motherhood, and pregnancy and how your life basically ends after you have kids. It's commonly believed that they're soul sucking little demons and their cuteness factor is what forces you to keep them alive. Then, by the time they're older, you're hooked on them and so you continue to give them all of your stuff, like your money, pride, and car keys.
This conversation took place while I was in the customer service line returning duplicate items I received as gifts. It ended with me being mad at babies for sucking their mothers' souls out via their boobs.
Then I got home and got my head right again. Pregnant head space is very scary, so judge me not unless you too have had a daily hormonal breakdown while trying to overnight turn yourself into a fantastic role model. I started thinking about how insanely in love I was with the frog like baby that was currently residing in my womb. I started thinking about the reasons I was afraid and reminded myself that only the really good moms worry about being really good moms; the bad ones don't care.
It took a little while after I had Vale to feel like myself again, but it did happen. And during the time when I felt like no more than someone's mom I didn't care to feel like anything but. Right now I have a two year old little girl, but I'm still Alyssa. I might even be a better version of her. I feel younger because I'm doing all of the things I loved most as a kid. I feel wilder, because I spend my days dancing like a loon to silly music, I could care less about putting make-up on, and the nights I get to go out are rare and extra fun. I'm not free to do anything at all because I have someone who relies on me, but everything I want to do is possible. I've lost absolutely nothing, and I've gained everything.
So, why 'Young, Wild, and Thrifty?" I would have never started this business if it wasn't for Vale. Not only would I not have had the motivation to do it, but I wouldn't have needed it. I was well within my comfort zone before I had her and I had no reason to hold normal hours or work from home. Now, I have every reason to be home. I want to spend my time raising Vale, and I want to be doing something that inspires her to follow her heart and not a fat paycheck. When I was thinking about what to name my business, which is all about finding my independence and prioritizing my life with Vale, I thought about what Target Lady said. I thought about how afraid I was in that moment that everything I loved about myself would disappear. It turns out that I'm just a better version of who I was, and that's a lot like the furniture I refinish. I'm taking something that was already great, and making it new and improved.
I still have that stupid tank top from college and I still whip it out every once in a while, because forget you Target Lady (it was actually lovely chatting with you). I'll be Young, Wild and Free (and Thrifty) until I'm 137.
xoxo, Dis Mama