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Why I am So Thankful

Writer's picture: AlyssaAlyssa

Updated: Sep 9, 2018

This morning was the first morning in over a week where I woke up with air flowing in and out of my nostril(s). The right nose hole is still a little shaky but the left guy is operating like a friggin' champ. This is a win, blog reading friends. I still have a fever on day 10, but also  I have oxygen and that means I can start thinking about #TurkeyTime

Turkey Time: a time where I wear elastic waisted pants and consume my weight in carbohydrates, dairy and bird (and beer). Sounds disgusting? It is. Disgustingly awesome. 

This morning, in addition to ending my reign as Queen Mouth Breather, I awoke to silence from my dog and the playful noises of my child in her crib a room away from me. I don't know if I feel so at home here because my children (furry and otherwise) are so comfortable or if they feel so comfortable because they sense I am. I'm just thankful we've settled in so quickly. 

I'm #thankful for a lot of things lately. 'Tis the season. My sister, her family, and my brother are getting on a plane tomorrow to come and spend Thanksgiving with us. We started this tradition last year, where they come to us (me and Dad) and it was a disaster. There was a power outage, a heat wave, a sprinkle of jail time and a dash of broken bones. It was a perfect disaster and I can't wait to see these people, my people. I am so thankful to call them mine, and to have others to blame when my kid gets old enough to start acting like a Nieder. 

I am thankful for the roof over my head, which I've come to love in such a short amount of time. I'm thankful for a full belly, and the full bellies of the bottomless pits that are my dog and daughter. I am thankful for a healthy and love-filled #family (I will miss everyone who is staying in the northeast so much!). I am thankful for my #friends: the old ones who know everything about me, and the new ones who think I'm cooler than I am. I am thankful for my beautiful child, who urges me to be silly and carefree even in life's toughest moments. I am thankful for our new roommates, who help us feel not-so-alone.

I am thankful for pumpkin spiced coffee, Disney Princesses, Facetime, Cheese Nips, and sidewalks.  I am thankful for a fridge covered in invitations to celebrate the milestones of the people I love. I am thankful for antique furniture and the Internet because I love my job. I'm thankful for Amazon Prime and Instacart because I never have to set foot in a Walmart ever again. I am thankful for my privilege: that last sentence I typed really showcased it. 

Finally, I am thankful for my faith and grateful to God for every blessing in my life. I just know by Thursday I'll have full use of my nasal passages and the food I cook for my wonderful, and totally insane family will be sniffalicious. This weekend the North Pole will take a massive dump on my apartment and I won't be able to walk through the living room without getting covered in glitter. My house is going to smell like Christmas stuff, so hard, because of all the baking, but also because of all the toxic Yankee Candles burning Merry and Bright. 

Tangent: I would urge any of you who dislike the #Holidays to think about the reason. If it's because you overwhelm yourselves financially, or because you don't stop and smell the pine needles, or because you AREN'T covered in tinsel then you're doing it wrong. Make a snow/ sand angel, put on some super cozy Reindeer socks, drink some hot cocoa like Judy makes on The Santa Claus (hers looks the best)... I can go on forever. The point is don't tell other people you don't like the Holidays or they're going to try and shove their cheer down your throat like I'm doing. They might make you their honorary Cheermeister and put you in an ugly sweater and force-feed you fruitcake if you're not careful. 

Even if you're a big stinker with no joy, I want to hear what you're thankful for! Be sure to comment and let me know so we can spread a little Holiday cheer and annoy the Scrooge McGrinchies! 

Happy #Thanksgiving, and Thank You for reading <3

xoxo Alyssa KringleNieder


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