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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa

What Some Tik Tok Designers Are Saying, and Why You Shouldn't Listen

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

There is a new trend floating around Tik Tok where interior designers tell people what is cheap, what is "out," and what they should STOP doing in design; they also use multi-million dollar homes in comparison to regular, middle class homes, calling the latter bull s**t. I don't like it. And that's all I could find: people complaining, people making you feel like your style isn't stylish at all, or telling you that you can't be chic if you aren't wealthy.

This is what I was told this winter break while scrolling through interior design Tik Tok:

**TRIGGER WARNING: I'm a decorator and even my feelings were hurt.

1. Magnets on your fridge make your home look cheap.

Here is why that is cray cray: having a family and displaying cards, artwork, achievements, etc. is never cheap; having those things means you are rich in life and that can never be cheap.

2. Having cords anywhere makes your house look trashy.

I get what this designer is saying -- cords hanging everywhere isn't the most attractive thing in the world. What bothered me about it was that she said, "Some people say they are renting and they cant do anything about the cords, but holes are easy to fix." Um. ma'am drywall work is not easy to do correctly and landlords don't want you doing your own electrical/ drywall work. But thanks!

3. Board and Batten and Shiplap are not cool anymore.

Board and Batten dates back to the first settlers, and Shiplap as far back as the vikings. The interior designers telling you that Board and Batten and Shiplap are dated are correct! They are dated back hundreds of years and are now timeless, thank you very much. The alternative trims they propose are the trendiest of trendy but are also old as heck and timeless. If you love it, and it suits your home, do it! Am I a huge fan of farmhouse style in suburban homes? Not really. Does that mean that I don't appreciate a well designed suburban farmhouse that makes its inhabitants so super, duper happy? No. I do appreciate it. Also, you're the one whose going to be living there! If you love it, its lovely!

4. Lots of things from 2021 that were in style will not be in style in 2022.

Ah, really. So all it took was one ball drop and thousands of dollars were wasted? A stunning, well curated home with classic pieces will never go out of style. Some of my favorite homes are time capsules that haven't been touched in decades. Sculptural furniture is out? No, sorry. Textured walls are out? If they've been around for thousands of years then explain to me how one day deems them out of style? Rattan and wicker are done? If it was good enough in 3,000 B.C. it's good enough for me. People are wild, and they want your money. Don't start listing pieces you love because Tik Tok Tammy told you to.

This elitist approach to design breaks my heart. Why do you have to compromise or be wealthy to have a beautiful home? If you LOVE your home and everything in it, how dare someone tell you it's "out." Since WHEN does being an innovator mean copying trends?

I, for one, will be a thrift store furniture shopper for life. A well crafted piece of furniture will always have a place in my home over whatever some lady on the internet tells me is "so hot right now."

The design industry really does scare everyday people away. It NEEDS to be more inclusive. There is no single road map to making a beautiful home and sometimes reworking the things you already have and love is the best way to spruce up your space! Imagine if instead of throwing out all of their beautiful things from the 20s, because they thought they were out of style, our grandparents/ great grandparents kept them all? If you buy timeless pieces and don't just follow trends, chances are you won't feel the itch to replace everything you have every single year.

Your home doesn't have to fit into a category, or theme. It doesn't have to be a carbon copy of the latest and greatest pins from top designers to be chic.

Here are some tips to achieve a beautiful aesthetic in your home that you'll love for the long haul.

  1. Your home should be a reflection of you. If you are funky, or moody, or artsy, etc. your home should be too. A space that makes you feel at home is a space that lets you be yourself. Textures and colors that speak to you will always make you happy. If you're on the fence, don't buy it!

  2. Good interior design is all about balance. If you categorize your home into one specific design style, and ignore the fact that you might love many, you will grow tired of your home. If you love antiques, remember to balance them out with some more modern or traditional pieces. If you love distressed furniture, remember to mix in some metallics. A balanced home will not reflect trends, but rather you and the things that you love. I always tell clients to go in with a plan so they aren't like a squirrel chasing after shiny things. With that said, if there is a piece of furniture or decor you fall in love with, that piece can lead the design inspiration for the rest of your space.

  3. Cohesion is very important in a well designed home. When you walk through a home and fall in love with it, it doesn't necessarily mean you love it because it reflects your style. You appreciate the home's beauty because it was thoughtfully designed and makes a statement in cohesion. All of the rooms within a well designed home might have their own individual aesthetic but it's not without relationship to one another. My advice for creating cohesion in design, apart from hiring a designer (wink, wink) is to select a color palette you love and stick to it. This is the easiest way to get started!

So this year, instead of listening to what social media tells you you should love, figure out exactly who you are and how you can demonstrate that within your home. Research balance and cohesion in design if you need a stepping stone to success, or hire a designer/decorator; but, don't copy what someone else tells you to like and expect to achieve a timeless result.

Cheers to a new year and a more fulfilled you (in design, and in every other way possible)!



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