Hi, Everyone!
It's been a while, but I've been making so-freaking-merry that I haven't had the time to blog! As most of you reading know, I am psychotically, uncomfortably, obsessed with Christmas. I love everything about this time of the year: the food, the movies, the ACTIVITIES, the look on everyone's freakin' face! It's all so perfect, and magical. And NOW I have a toddler of my very own to celebrate with. Christmas was still just for me the last couple of years, but this year I feel a change. Valen is ready. SHE'S READY!
So I've been baking every single day, and we run around the house singing Christmas songs while jingling bells. My kid is in the sweet spot right now -- too young to think I'm nuts and too old not to love that I'm nuts. She watches The Grinch every single day, on replay (Don't judge me, it's Christmas), and she sings the songs and makes the Grinch's faces. She carries around a sparkle present purse and can say 'Santa'. See what I mean?
She might actually be the Grinch though, because she rips the ornaments off of the tree and throws them around the house. She's colored all over all of the Christmas cards and she cackles while she does it. I'm still holding out hope that she's not a serial killer, or worse: anti-Christmas!
To read more about what I was up to this month, and my adventures with bunny, click the link!