Hey everyone!
Today I wanted to switch gears and post in the lifestyle section of our blog. It's spring break, and I am happy to report that I have made it (drum roll) an entire year without getting sick! I caught a nasty virus the other day, the first one I've been sick with but the 8,790th one the kids have brought home from school, and I got to thinking when the last time I was sick was. Answer is: last winter! I haven't made it through a winter without getting sick in...ever.
Let me explain...
I have Familial Mediterranean Fever which NORD (National Organization for Rare DIsorders) defines this as, "an inherited autoinflammatory disease characterized by recurrent episodes (attacks) of fever and acute inflammation of the membranes lining the abdomen, joints, and lungs." Basically, my immune system is crap, everything aches, and I feel like I have appendicitis once a month with a side of knee/back/shoulder/ankle injury. Or I did, since I was about Vale's age. I could never understand why I was always sick, or always hurt, when everyone else seemed to get by just fine.
This year has been a little different. I made a pact with myself to take control over my health. I've been eating healthy for a long time now, and a couple years ago I made the switch to be a "flexitarian." I started eating mostly plant based, but that quickly transitioned into me being pretty much a full vegan (with the occasional cheese and shellfish). When I transitioned I never paid much attention to my protein intake or making sure that I was actually getting everything I needed. It sounded super nice in theory, but I went from eating eggs, dairy, fish and being flexible with meat, to a vegan over night. It was rough on my hair, skin, and digestive system. Inflammation from my FMF was down, but I started having other issues: I was cold all the time, had no appetite, low energy, imbalanced hormones, damaged hair, etc. No good for someone who started this plant based journey seeing improvements in all of those areas. I got lazy and stopped putting effort into balancing my diet.
Getting back into Xtend Barre classes (life got busy, and I made excuses) motivated me to make changes with all aspects of my health: to figure out what foods made my body feel good, what foods I wasn't getting enough of, and how I could supplement without taking a bunch of pills. I also knew that the healthiest version of myself would be able to maximize my workouts and get the best results. Its been a process over several years, but I think I might finally have figured out what works best for me. I so desperately want to share with you all the changes I've made and the impact those changes have had on my health-- inside and out! Because, did I mention? I haven't been sick in a YEAR.
This is the plan I came up with and started implementing in the fall (2020):
What I do:
I do an Xtend Barre workout for 30 mins every day, and then stretch for 5-30 minutes every day. The stretching has been HUGE for me. I couldn't even sit on the floor without bending my knees (that's how stiff my poor body was). I've become much more flexible and less prone to injury, which has significantly impacted my workouts. As for Xtend Barre, I know I've told ya'll about this before but I can't say enough about what its done for me. It's a ballet/pilates fusion class that sculpts lean muscle without a ton of impact on your joints. That's huge for someone with FMF. Before Xtend Barre, I would always start working out, get injured or sick, and then have a really hard time starting back up again. This is the first workout I've found that I can not only sustain, but that has been results driven without intense pain. I feel strong, confident, and more energized than ever before. And, I look forward to this part of my day every single day!

I add Your Super brand organic pure superfoods to my water and drink them all day. Its a good way for me to get added vitamins and nutrients without having to source a bunch of weird foods, eat a ton more than is comfortable, or take supplements. I love the immunity building properties, and the way they combat my gut inflammation.

I've added more sources of protein back into my diet, and I snack throughout the day. I make sure to have eggs with vegetables, or apples and peanut butter in the morning/ after I work out. On nights when I have a vegan dinner, I try to have a protein shake throughout the day. My favorite recipe is: 1 banana, 1 scoop of peanut butter, 1 scoop of vegan vanilla protein powder, almond or soy milk, and ice. Adding this protein back into my diet has made a noticeable difference in the amount of muscle I'm building and also in my body's ability to heal after workouts. I'm eating more than I have in a really long time, and my measurements are smaller!
I've cut way down on coffee. Anyone who knows me well knows that I've been coffee addicted since I can remember. I love everything about a cup of coffee: the ritual, the taste, the energy boost. Freaking YUM! But, I wasn't eating enough in the morning, would crash later in the day, and was drinking so much of it that I was getting the subtle shakes/headaches. I thought I was someone who could drink it right up until I went to bed and that I'd be fine, but the truth is I'm getting a much more restful sleep now that I'm down to 1-2 cups in the morning. I think supplementing with the Your Super superfood powders has helped me get rid of the coffee. I have a ton of energy from consuming foods that fuel my body, so I don't need it like I used to.
This last part has nothing to do with diet or exercise, but rather mindfulness. I stopped watching TV and went back to reading before bed (not every night, but usually). I can't even get through a chapter without starting to fall asleep. That isn't because the books aren't good -- its because I'm actually winding down for bed and that's what my eyeballs and brain-ball wants. Between the exercise I'm getting, the foods I'm eating, and the change in bed time ritual, my biological clock has sort of regulated itself.
*Fun Tip*
This is something I've done for a while now, but it's so important and I feel like I can't write this blog without adding it in... DRINK WATER. Drink water, people. Drink a LOT of water. Don't drink diet sodas or any of that junk because our bodies are not made up of 75% aspartame infested soft drink. Our bodies are made of... (wait for it) ...WATER. It's our body's motor oil and we need it more than anything else.
Before and After:
Left: 2014, 147 lbs, pre-baby
Right: 2021, 107 lbs, post-baby

Before and After:
Left: February 2020
Weight: 120 lbs
Breast: 32"
Waist: 25"
Butt: 38"
Thigh: 21.25"
Right: March 2021
Weight: 107 lbs
Breast 30"
Waist: 23.5
Butt: 35.5
Thigh: 17"

The biggest takeaway for me, from all of this, is the power of health and wellness (the power of the thigh gap is a close second). I've been struggling my whole life, and have spent every winter miserable for as long as I can remember. This is the first time that I can remember making it through the cold and flu season without getting sick. And not only did I make it through the cold and flu season, but also an entire year, without getting sick. I have a disease that attacks my immune system, and I went a whole year without getting sick. I could say this over and over and my brain still won't fully believe it. It's CRAZY. So yes: I've toned up, but more importantly, I've fortified this body temple of mine. I feel strong, energized, well-rested, and more protected from injury/illness.
Whatever excuses you're making about time, money, etc... throw them in the trash with the Big Mac. You deserve to take care of yourself. You deserve to carve out time for yourself, every single day, and your body deserves to be loved and treated as well as your partner, your kids, or your job that always comes first.
Related posts:
If you're thinking about becoming a Flexitarian:
If you're thinking you can't find the time: