I hope everyone is enjoying this insanely beautiful, Floridian weather! I sure am. My dear friend in PA Snapchatted a video of her backyard and there were golf ball sized snow flurries coming out of the sky. When I was able to stop laughing I really felt appreciative for dry heat, blue skies and bronzed skin. Something about snow in April really makes you want to hurl, AMIRIGHT?
As usual, I've been a busy bee and basically spreading my self too thin for comfort. In my last blog I spoke about the bathroom remodel I was finishing with Mainstay Properties, and the other projects I was starting. Let's recap!
The Keller kitchen is underway. White Quartz counter tops are replacing black granite, white glass back splash will be replacing green, the sink, faucet, etc. are being installed this week, and then I'll be reattaching the cabinet doors and hardware.
The Radcliffe family is having their home renovated from top to bottom, and while they're waiting to move in I'll be re-finishing furniture for their new space. I'll have pieces to show you every couple of weeks starting this Wednesday with their bedroom furniture that is almost completed!
I've been hired to paint the kitchen cabinets for a home in Tampa, and I'll be assisting the homeowners with design. That job starts next week and I'll hopefully have some great pics to send you!
Finally, for this month, I've been working at the Yacinich household, which is what I'm going to talk to you about today!
My friends Justin and Mia decided to do a few things to their home, including replacing some furniture, updating some features within their kitchen, and painting the kitchen/dining/living room walls. I'll be working with Mainstay Properties again on this job, and getting my hands dirty!
Here are a few 'before' pictures of the main floor:
To read more, click the link!