Hey Everyone!
Vale and I have arrived to freezing cold Milford, PA. The plane landed at 4:30 pm yesterday to nineteen degree weather and darkness. As we flew over the southern part of the state some lady behind me goes, "It looks like a freakin' black and white painting." When I stopped laughing I realized that she was right. I forgot how stark and lifeless everything looks this time of the year. We awoke to four inches of beautiful snow this morning. Now that I've seen it I guess we can turn around and go home (ha ha). Just kidding. I'm so excited to be here with my sissy and her family, to see all of my wonderful friends, meet some babies, and celebrate Christmas. Best time of the year! If my organs don't freeze and fail I'll be really thankful for this trip.
I text my sister to tell her our plane landed and she texts me back saying, "I have a surprise for you." She removed all of the doors off of the cabinets so I suspect she wants me to get crackin' on the kitchen makeover right away. She stacked all of the doors in front of the coffee maker so I couldn't even drink my "Don't Kill People" juice first. She's maniacal.
Next week, if I'm still alive to tell the tale, I'll write all about the kitchen makeover. This week I want to talk to you about the table I worked on for my fun new clients.
They have great taste and purchased a Pier One table a few years back for their previous home. They sold that house and are moving in to a new one (right down the street from me) They are planning to do a lot of cosmetic upgrades, including a new color palette for the existing kitchen, new wooden flooring in the dinette, and a new dinette set with a more French Country look. Enter moi.
This is what their dinette set looked like in their old home:
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