Sounds too good to be true? Well, it is if you don't feel like getting your hands dirty. Dirty I am, and not because I shopped in dumpsters.
When we first moved to Oldsmar we did so without much furniture. Most of it was being held hostage by con-artist movers, so I started shopping around for some temporary stuff (on the off chance we'd get ours back, which we didn't). What I found at the local furniture stores was over-priced garbage, and most of the stuff on craigslist came with a side of rape and murder. I started perusing the app Letgo and local thrift stores, and couldn't believe how many gems were being discarded. I furnished our entire house with other people's rubbish for under $1,000. I realize $1,000 is not free, but keep reading. It gets
This was no easy task, mind you: I had to source all of the products I wanted, rent a u-haul van, drive all over the greater Tampa area to pick the pieces up, unload them into our home, and then refinish all of them. I worked non-stop for a few weeks until the house was finally furnished.
Here are some pictures of the pieces I did for our home:
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