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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa

Holiday Wrap-Up and Progress Report

Hi Everyone! 

I hope you had beautiful, and blessed holidays! It's been a while since I've written anything; that is partly because my appendages are freezing off and partly because I've spent the better part of my trip expelling the demons of 2017 (projectile vomiting Exorcist style into the can -- you're welcome for that imagery). There is some super awesome stomach bug making its way into the homes of every resident in the NE. There is also some super duper awesome head-cold-cough stuff floating around which my shat immune system couldn't ward off. Basically everyone in this joint has spent the better part of three weeks in pure misery. I went out of the house for the first time on New Years Day, had a sandwich made of butter and meat, and now I feel right as rain. Nothing like jump-starting your immune system by clogging up your arteries. 

To read the rest of this disguting #holiday post, click the link below!

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