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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa

How to Find Balance as a Single Mother

Updated: Sep 2, 2018

**This post was my first, written when I created Young, Wild and Thrifty. I hope you enjoy this little blast from the past!

Though this is my first post, it's bound to get verbally graphic. That was a fair and timely warning, so don't complain if your eyeballs are offended. You had your chance. 

My beautiful, sweet one year old cherub of a daughter started pooping mid diaper change the other day and I got to thinking, 'This is a different life than the one I led a couple of years ago'. Different in an obvious sort of way, because a baby I gave life to was literally and figuratively pooping on me; but, also in the sort of way that's not so obvious, because I used that moment for task management. 

Finding balance as a stay at home mom, and a very new business owner has been challenging. My number one priority is the poop machine. There are moments when I feel guilty because she hasn't been getting the same level of attention throughout the day as she did before I started this crazy endeavor. I usually carve out a couple of hours to work during nap time, and a couple of hours at night after she goes to bed, but every mom knows how that goes. Something always happens, and if a ton of work gets done on Monday, Tuesday is a disaster. 

*Daylight savings can get stung by a jelly fish and never be peed on. Not ever.* 

I want to make sure that I don't lose sight of the reason I started Young, Wild and Thrifty in the first place: I didn't want to miss anything. I wanted to find some independence, do something worthwhile and fun, and still be able to stay at home with my bunny (who is a human baby). 

This little business I've started, basically by accident, has been a huge blessing. I'm busy as hell and tired all of the time, but I'm happy. I'm doing something creative, I'm using power tools, I'm spending more time outside in this gorgeous state, and I'm proud. I'm proud to be doing something that I Iove, and maybe that will inspire my baby girl to grow up believing that we really can follow our dreams. We don't have to settle. You can still shop at Whole Foods if you dumpster dive for restoration projects. Unicorns. 

I guess I'll probably struggle with feeling like a piece of garbage mom and an amazing DIYer some days, and then a crap business owner and mother-of-the-year others. As long as my kid's happy and sees that her mom is too, blueberry fingernails isn't the worst thing ever. 

Thanks for reading this stupid test post. Here are some pictures of bunny so you don't feel like you wasted your time. 

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