Happy Halloween!
If you haven't already, check out my other Halloween post about the Flamingo I made for Bunny! It's so stinking cute.
This post is all about little Jayna, and her extreme and unwavering need to be Skye from Paw Patrol. Who is Skye? She is a dog. She looks like this:

These are the costumes that were being sold in the stores:

They were cute enough, but we were getting down to the wire with time, and the one's that would come before Halloween were cheap looking. I decided to try a little DIY magic and I think Skye would be proud, even if Jayna thinks her wings are too big.
Here's what you'll need:
1. Inexpensive foam cooler (make sure it'll fit around your kids tush, because this is where it'll sit).
2. Ribbons (pink, purple or grey would work great)
3. Pink or purple clothing (I chose to use a long sleeve shirt and leggings from Walmart, very cheap, with pink jelly shoes she already had).
4. Silver spray paint (one can was plenty since she's tiny)
5. Foam board in any color
6. Felt (pink/ purple for Skye's emblem, and some shade of dog for the ears)
7. Plastic cat ear headband
8. Purple goggles
Here's what I did to make the plane (Sky has airplane wings and a helicopter so I sort of made a hybrid of the two):
1. Cut the base of the foam cooler off with a utility knife
2. Pencil in and cut out wings and a tail from your foam board. I used the flat edge of the foam board and then drew out from there.
3. Spray paint the wing pieces and the foam cooler with your silver spray paint
4. Use your utility knife to put slits in the side of your foam cooler for the wings.
5. Put hot glue on the ends of the widest part of the wings and slide them into the slits you made. This will make the plane more secure.
6. Attach your ribbon suspenders with hot glue gun, or gorilla glue. I had put the wings on first so I could accurately measure where to place the suspenders. Too short and the airplane would sit too high. Too long and the airplane would sit too low. Either way your kiddo won't be able to walk!
7. Draw the Skye emblem on your felt (I chose purple) and glue it to the front of your plane.

To Make the ears:
1. Draw and cut out puppy ears on your felt.
2. Hot glue them to the kitty ear headband you purchased. Ideally, you want to cut 4 identical pieces and glue them to each other to cover the kitty ears, but I was doing this the day before Halloween and didn't have anymore felt.
To finish the costume:
I dressed Jayna in her pink outfit with pink shoes, put her hair in pig tail buns to hide the back end of the kitty ears and then put the airplane on over top. Finally, the puppy dog ear headband (which was a big hit)! The purple goggles I planned to use went missing sometime between the costume's creation and this picture, but you could always make them out of felt in s pinch! That would probably be a more comfortable long-term option, anyway.
Is that not the cutest Skye look-alike you've ever seen?
She looked so cute and we had so much fun taking these kids out Trick-or-Treating! Don't be afraid to try this one! It was super easy, and I'm always here to answer questions!
Alyssa (Joanna) and Chris (Chip Gaines)