Hey everyone!
I can't believe it's been so long since I've last posted. Well, I guess that's not entirely true. I can believe it! Life's been busy and beautiful. My last post was January, right after Vale and I moved into this cute little apartment. A year later and a lot has changed (personally and professionally) but our chick pad is really starting to feel like a home.
We started completely from scratch when we moved in here, and it was at the tail end of the Covid supply chain drama so I had a really hard time finding stuff. Very little was available in stores, and everything I could find was overpriced. This is around the time I seriously started considering selling pictures of my feet on the internet, but I digress. (Still not ruling it out).
To get organized I made a master list of everything I'd need (we're talking beds to spatulas) and then I got to work stalking sales over a few months. There are still days when I realize I don't have something. I hosted book club one night and imagine my shame when my girlfriend couldn't open her wine and we started Youtubing how to do it with a shoe.
Anywho, it's Christmas and I had no holiday decorations so it was really fun to do a fancy tree this year. I found a super cute flocked tree on sale on Amazon in October for $60. All of my ornaments are from Hobby Lobby; if you go right after Halloween all of the Christmas stuff is 50% off. I got a few packages of ornaments, but mostly I took advantage of half off floral stems and filled the tree out with those. I love the way it turned out and am gonna be really sad when it's time to take it down.
I also got these cute wreaths from Hobby Lobby, and then found velvet ribbon on Amazon that matched the velvet ornaments on my tree. I hot glued the ribbons on, but you could just as easily tie them! Apartment friendly command hooks for the doors and stockings (on the media cabinet because we don't have a fireplace, hehe) and that's pretty much it. I have zero storage space here so I don't know where I'll put any of this after Christmas, but that's a problem for another day.
Here she is! Our apartment decorated for the Holiday season: