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About Alyssa
Hi! I'm Alyssa and I started DIYing and blogging my way through furniture projects, home renovations, and decorating about ten years ago. What started out as a hobby has become a full time job, where I get to share my passion for design and decoration, and write about my life with little Bunny, who is a human girl. Follow along while I share what I know, and try to figure out what I don't.

Jan 23, 2019
Designing a Bachelorette Pad
Hey everyone! We are back from our weekend trip to #Disney, and boy are my eyes puffy from all of the ugly crying! I cried when I saw the...

Nov 27, 2018
How to Save Money While Decorating This Christmas
Hey! I hope everyone had a great #Thanksgiving! Although I was missing my family this year, I had so much fun spending the holiday with...

Nov 2, 2018
DIY Skye Paw Patrol Costume in 9 Easy Steps
Happy Halloween! If you haven't already, check out my other Halloween post about the Flamingo I made for Bunny! It's so stinking cute....

Oct 31, 2018
No-Sew DIY Flamingo Costume in 3 Easy Steps
Happy Halloween! It's officially the holiday season, and I am so excited to celebrate! Nothing says DIY like a cool breeze and a runny...

Oct 3, 2018
How We Became Sand & Pine Co.
Hi ya'll! I am so excited to be writing this blog post today. I know it's been a long time since I've written you all, but let me explain...

May 24, 2018
How To Completely Transform Your Kitchen for $600
Alright, ya'll. My sister FINALLY sent me some 'after' pics of the kitchen renovation we did this Christmas! I told you it happened, and...

May 23, 2018
How To Upgrade Your Kitchen Without Breaking the Bank
Hey Peeps! I am so excited to finally share the before and after photos from this fun reno I did with Mainstay Properties in Plant City....

May 20, 2018
Country to Modern Kitchen in 5 Easy Steps
Hey folks! So excited to be talking to you about this project today; it is another partnership with Mainstay Properties, and we were...

Feb 8, 2018
What Thirty Feels Like
I woke up this morning a #thirtyyearold #woman. I use the term 'woman' loosely, because I still watch Disney movies when Valen's not...

Dec 11, 2017
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Hi, Everyone! It's been a while, but I've been making so-freaking-merry that I haven't had the time to blog! As most of you reading know,...

Nov 20, 2017
Why I am So Thankful
This morning was the first morning in over a week where I woke up with air flowing in and out of my nostril(s). The right nose hole is...

Oct 10, 2017
The 4 Things Keats Taught Me About Moving On
Today's blog post is going to be another departure from the usual furniture rehab posts. Today I'm consuming pumpkin flavored stuff, and...

Aug 27, 2017
Bunny Turns 2!
I can't believe on Saturday I woke up the mother of a two-year-old human. I don't know the exact science behind birthdays, but in my head...

Aug 11, 2017
How To Prep, Paint, and Antique Your Kitchen Cabinets the Right Way
Hey everyone! Monday night I posted a couple of 'after' pictures of Kellyanne and Brandon's kitchen makeover. It took a few...

May 11, 2017
Warning: Super Sappy Mother's Day Post
It's this time of year when I get most nostalgic. Don't get me wrong, Christmas! I love you more than coffee, and puppies, and white sand...

Apr 19, 2017
Why Sniffing Your Kid's Head Matters
I sniffed my kid's head too many times in the last few days, and I've caught the 'nostalgia'. It's akin to the black plague if you're a...

Apr 5, 2017
Warning: Sometimes You Need a Break
This year has been both one of the best and worst of my life. Without going into too much detail, it's been a roller coaster. I'm sure...

Mar 22, 2017
How To Decorate For Free
Sounds too good to be true? Well, it is if you don't feel like getting your hands dirty. Dirty I am, and not because I shopped in...
Are you on the 'Gram? Follow us for lots of Before and Afters!
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