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About Alyssa
Hi! I'm Alyssa and I started DIYing and blogging my way through furniture projects, home renovations, and decorating about ten years ago. What started out as a hobby has become a full time job, where I get to share my passion for design and decoration, and write about my life with little Bunny, who is a human girl. Follow along while I share what I know, and try to figure out what I don't.

May 9, 2018
How to Add Color to Antique Furniture
Well, I continue to be ridiculously busy and I'm so grateful for all of your continued support. Life is wild and scary and awesome, isn't...

May 1, 2018
How To Update French Provincial Furniture
Happy May, ya'll! These last few weeks have been so busy, but I'm finally starting to get it together. I'm back to showering daily, and...

Apr 30, 2018
How To Give Inexpensive, Basic Furniture a Custom Look
Hey!! I hope everyone is enjoying this insanely beautiful, Floridian weather! I sure am. My dear friend in PA Snapchatted a video of her...

Mar 23, 2018
Before and After: Shabby Chic Pink Vanity
Hi! I hope everyone is enjoying "spring." It's been absolutely beautiful, as March always is, here in Florida but you suckers in the...

Feb 1, 2018
5 Easy Steps for a Farmhouse Makeover
Hey everyone! You've all been so patient with me while I live in DIY limbo, waiting on products I've ordered and cement to dry...

Jan 22, 2018
Critter Siphon and Ardex Feather Finish
Hey, all! I hope you're enjoying the weather where you are. It's currently 80 degrees and sunny here in #Tampa, FL. That's a nice...

Jan 13, 2018
How To Update Your Dated Wood Dining Set
Hi, friends! I'm so glad you're all stopping in for today's post. When my lady-friend Ashley sent me a text about refinishing her...

Jan 3, 2018
Holiday Wrap-Up and Progress Report
Hi Everyone! I hope you had beautiful, and blessed holidays! It's been a while since I've written anything; that is partly because my...

Dec 12, 2017
How to Get The Pier One Shadow Grey Look
Hey Everyone! Vale and I have arrived to freezing cold Milford, PA. The plane landed at 4:30 pm yesterday to nineteen degree weather and...

Nov 11, 2017
6 Easy Ways to Add Character to an Apartment
Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to write this post today. As most of you know, Vale and I have been in the throws of moving. It's always a...

Sep 13, 2017
Progress Report: Makeovers, Weddings, Kitchen Demo
Hey, blog reading friends! This has been such a crazy few weeks, and I actually have a couple of (hopefully) undivided attention-type...

Aug 29, 2017
6 Step Cedar Chest Makeover
Hey everyone! I hope all of you northerners are keeping warm, and enjoying some pumpkin flavored hot treats this week while the summer...

Aug 11, 2017
How To Prep, Paint, and Antique Your Kitchen Cabinets the Right Way
Hey everyone! Monday night I posted a couple of 'after' pictures of Kellyanne and Brandon's kitchen makeover. It took a few...

Jun 19, 2017
2 Clients and 10 Projects
Well goodness, it's been a bit since I've written ya'll a blog post but I have my reasons, to be explained in obnoxious detail within....

Jun 3, 2017
How To Save Unsalvageable Furniture
Every once in a while I buy a piece of furniture without seeing it first. I like the picture, think I have a pretty good idea what shape...

May 10, 2017
15 Furniture Projects in 30 Days
I was just finishing up a blog post, my first in a long time, when my kid went nuts, computer died, and my content disappeared....

Mar 19, 2017
4 Steps For a Coastal Furniture Makeover
Most of us have pretty fond memories of the dining table we grew up with. Ours was a hand-me-down antique set that belonged to my great...
Are you on the 'Gram? Follow us for lots of Before and Afters!
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